
Welcome to Dark Crimes: 50 Films | 50 Reviews!

This blog is dedicated to the review of the Mill Creek Entertainment release Dark Crimes, a 50 movie collection of Classic Features. My intention is to watch and review all 50 films within the collection. Ideally, I will do this over the next 50 days. Realistically, there's bound to be the occasional lapse in content. Life can get tricky, eh?

I had initially intended to write a paragraph or two about each film and post it on Facebook, but I've instead decided to write at least a page per movie and post it here on this blog. The reviews might end up coming in at a little longer or a little shorter than that, depending on how taken I am with the content of the movie I'm looking at.

The home page here will act as the blog index, with links to new reviews being posted as each review goes live. So without further ado, on to the reviews.

#01 - The Mandarin Mystery (1936)
#02 - The Red House (1947)
#03 - The Man Who Had Influence (1950)

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